The Radio Geronimo Society










Nothing before....Nothing since
1970 was a magical year in radio history
this was Radio Geronimo year

Never before or since has one station offered the mixture of musical programming that Radio Geronimo did......

The latest releases + roots, rock, country, blues, singer/songwriter, world, spoken word, jazz, classical and the experimental mixed creatively together.

























Before and since almost every programme and station has stuck to one genre, one specialised the end of the day that person doesn't exist, people do want more choice, they channel hop, how many stations do you have 'saved' on your house/car/dab radio or maybe none.

Back in those heady days of 1970, Radio Geronimo had millions of listeners Euro-wide, those who just loved MUSIC....

Demographic ages from 13 to 70+ years.
These people still exist, the Geronimo audience is still there, and disappointed generations who have grown up frustrated with what's offered and are still not catered for, it's time for Geronimo to return, time to cater for those discerning listeners, time for a vast potential audience to have a reason to turn on the radio again.

The time is now, Geronimo has only been sleeping.
The Geronimo Society is free to join, we just need to feel the numbers and with your support find the way to put Geronimo back into your radio/music platform.

How would you like Geronimo on the air...
Commercial advertising
What platform would you like Geronimo on
All above
How long per day would you support Geronimo
24 hours a day
12 hours a day
6 hours a day

Join the Geronimo Society and help us wake up this
sleeping musical giant and turn on the speakers in
your world.

Barry Marshall-Everitt

Please write to me:








      © Radio Geronimo © Geronimo Starship - All Rights Reserved 1969-2007      


Abbreviated History: Radio Geronimo... with the financial help of Jimmy Miller (Rolling Stones record producer) and Tony Secunda (music biz entrepreneur and manager)… Following test transmissions (as Radio Rupert and Radio 428) in 1969 from the Pyrenees, Radio Geronimo hired airtime in 1970 from Radio Monte Carlo. Geronimo was the antithesis of DJ culture – 'joined up radio' - the music spoke a language of its own, the presenter occasionally spoke the earthy language of the street, and the listener was treated as an equal… Unlike the pirate radio stations of the 60’s this most radical of radio stations station was  totally legal. It was favourably compared to BBC Radio 3 and is fondly remembered by those fortunate enough to be there.  As Geronimo Starship... recorded the 1971 Glastonbury Fayre and released legendary triple album on Revelations Records. Geronimo were also contracted by Pan American Airways to provide their 'Theater in the Air' jazz entertainment....

Barry Everitt and Hugh Nolan in the Harley Street Studio, 1970